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Sea Animals

Fish are the most exploited animal on our planet. See how many have been lives have been taken just in the time it's taken to read this!

  • fish image   0 wild caught fish

  • Life expectancy: 15-26 years (Tuna). Average age at slaughter: 2.5 years. Varies hugely.
  • __________
  • fish image   0 farmed fish

  • Life expectancy: 6-7 years (Trout). Average age at slaughter: 9-20 months.

Ryuji Chua - How Conscious Can A Fish Be?:

Jonathan Balcombe - What a Fish knows:

Earthling Ed - Is there actually an ethical reason to not eat fish?:

All about fishing

“Sea Angling Classic” hosts the UK’s biggest four-day angling event in Portsmouth, Hampshire. This cruel international competition is attracting 1000’s of “competitors” from around the world.

They target the following species: Tope, Smooth-hound, Rays, Bass, Black bream. Studies on Bass alone concluded that over 40% of these fish died within 6 days of being caught and released. Catch and release kills between 5%-30% of fish when solid catch and release best practices are being followed.

Angling Spirit is the operating company which owns, organises and stages these, and many other angling events, one of their aims is to ensure that angling is looked upon in a favourable light! As such the event is using beach cleans and citizen science to greenwash the angling event.

There is a misconception that fishes do not experience pain, or that they are not conscious or able to suffer.

Informative facts, research and links about the reality of angling for its victims, about the consciousness of fishes and also the important wider issues of how fishes are used (some of the links contain distressing images/footage of fishes suffering):



Better alternative citizen science than harmful catch-and-release angling stats.

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